


  1. 283 MoveZeros
  2. 27 Remove Element
  3. 26 Remove Duplicated from Sorted Array
  4. 80 Remove Duplicated from Sorted Array 2
  5. 75 Sort Colors
  6. 88 Merge Sorted Array
  7. 215 Kth Largest Element in an Array



  1. 167 Two Sum 2 - Input array is sorted
  2. 125 Valid Palindrome
  3. 344 Reverse String
  4. 345 Reverse Vowels of a String
  5. 11 Container With Most Water


  1. 209 Minimum Size Subarray Sum
  2. 3 Longest SubString Without Repeating Characters
  3. 438 Find All Anagrams in a String
  4. 76 Minimum Window Substring



  1. 349 Intersection of Two Arrays
  2. 350 Intersection of Two Arrays
  3. 242 Valid Anagram
  4. 202 Happy Number
  5. 290 Word Pattern
  6. 205 Isomorphic Strings
  7. 451 Sort Characters By Frequency
  1. 1 Two Sum(先排序,再用对撞指针,nlogn)(查找表)
  2. 15 3Sum
  3. 18 4Sum
  4. 16 3Sum Closest(不一定适用查找表)
  5. 454 4Sum 2
  6. 49 Group Anagrams
  7. 447 Number of Boomerangs(整形越界的小陷阱,浮点误差)
  8. 148 Max Points on a Line


  1. 219 Container Duplicate 2
  2. 217 Container Duplicate
  3. 220 Container Duplicate 3(tree set)


  1. 206 Reverse Linked List

  2. 92 Reverse Linked List 2

  3. 83 Remove Duplicates from Sorted List

  4. 86 Partitions List

  5. 328 Odd Even Linked List

  6. 2 Add Two Numbers(负数?)

  7. 445 Add Two Numbers2


  1. 203 Remove Linked List Element
  2. 82 Remove Duplicated from Sorted List 2
  3. 21 Merge Two Sorted Lists
  4. 24 Swap Nodes in Paris
  5. 25 Reverse Nodes in k-Group
  6. 147 Insertion Sort List
  7. 148 Sort List


  1. 237 Delete Node in a Linked List


  1. 19 Remove Nth Node From End of List
  2. 61 Rotate List
  3. 143 Reorder List
  4. 234 Palindrome Linked List

  1. 20 Valid Parentheses
  2. 150 Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation
  3. 71 Simiplify Path


  1. 144 Binary Tree Preorder Traversal(用stack模拟系统栈实现非递归遍历)
  2. 94 Binary Tree Inorder Traversal
  3. 145 Binary Tree Postorder Traversal
  4. 341 Flatten Nested List Iterator



  • 树;层序遍历
  • 图; 无权图的最短路径


  1. 102 Binary Tree Level Order Traversal
  2. 107 Binary Tree Level Order Traversal2
  3. 103 Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal
  4. 199 Binary Tree Right Side View


  1. 279 Perfect Squares(贪心算法不成立,转化为图或树)
  2. 127 Word Ladder
  3. 126 Word Ladder 2


  1. 347 Top K Frequent Element(nlogk, nlog(n-k))
  2. 23 Merge K Sorted Lists


  1. 104 Maximum Depth of Binary Tree
  2. 111 Minimum Depth of Binary Tree
  3. 226 Invert Binary Tree
  4. 100 Same Tree
  5. 101 Symmetric Tree
  6. 222 Count Complete Tree Nodes
  7. 110 Balanced Binary Tree


  1. 112 Path Sum
  2. 111 Minimum Depth of Binary Tree
  3. 404 Sum of Left Leaves


  1. 257 Binary Tree Paths
  2. 113 Path Sum2
  3. 129 Sum Root to Leaf Numbers
  4. 437 Path Sum3


  1. 235 Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree
  2. 98 Validate Binary Search Tree
  3. 450 Delete Node in a BST
  4. 108 Convert Sorted Array to BST
  5. 230 Kth Smallest Element in a BST
  6. 236 Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree(LCA)


  1. 17 Letter Combination of a Phone Number(O(2^N))
  2. 93 Restore IP Address
  3. 131 Palindrome Partitioning


  1. 46 Permutations (Perms(nums[0…n-1])={取出一个数字}+ Perms(nums[{0..n-1}-这个数字]))
  2. 47 Permutations2


  1. 77 Combinations(剪枝)
  2. 39 Combination Sum
  3. 40 Combination Sum2
  4. 216 Combination Sum3
  5. 78 Subsets
  6. 90 Subsets2
  7. 401 Binary Watch


  1. 79 Word Search (偏移量)
  2. 200 Number of Islands(floodfill, DFS)
  3. 130 Surrounded Regions
  4. 417 Pacific Atlantic Water Flow
  5. 51 N-Queens
  6. 52 N-Queens2
  7. 37 Sudoku Solver


记忆化搜索(递归的基础上添加记忆化过程)- 自上向下的解决问题
动态规划 - 自下向上的解决问题

  1. 70 Climbing Stairs
  2. 120 Triangle
  3. 64 Minimum Path Sum(条件)


  1. 343 Integer Break(暴力2^N,不知道几重循环,用递归,组合的解空间)
    1 279 Perfect Squares
  2. 91 Decode Ways
  3. 62 Unique Paths
  4. 63 Unique Paths2


  1. 198 House Robber(暴力2^n)(状态和状态转移,两种状态定义)
  2. 213 House Robber2
  3. 337 House Robber3
  4. 309 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Cooldown

(0-1 背包)暴力2^N

  1. 416 Partition Equal Subset Sum
  2. 322 Coin Change
  3. 377 Combination Sum4
  4. 474 Ones and Zeroes
  5. 139 Word Break
  6. 494 Target Sum


  1. 300 Longest Increasing Subsequence(n^2动态规划,有nlgn)
  2. 376 Wiggle Subsequence
  • (最长公共子序列)
  • (dijkstra)
  • (所有最长上升子序列是什么)
  • (0-1背包存放的是什么)


  1. 455 Assign Cookies
  2. 392 Is Subsequence


  1. 435 Non-overlapping Intervals


  • (最小生成树,最短路径)

  • 作者: wang yang
  • 版权: 本博客所有文章除特别声明外,均采用 CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 许可协议。转载请注明出处!